What to Do with Your Unused Annual Leave? Our Top 7 End of Year Offers!

bocas del toro panama

Unused Annual Leave: Book One of These Great Language Holiday Offers

Are the freezing cold mornings and dark afternoons not your idea of fun? Why not swap your scarf for a sombrero, change-up your ginger-bread latte for a gin and tonic, and trade in your fleece for your flip-flops – take that holiday and use up the last of your annual leave before the year is out!

With many airlines, such as EasyJet, doing some fantastic prices on flights before the end of the year, taking a language holiday during November or December works out even cheaper than usual! We have a number of schools in France, Spain, Costa Rica and Panama that are open right up until Christmas week, and you may even get some sun as well as improving your language skills!

1. Toulouse, France: Stock Up on Christmas Gifts, In French

Toulouse is not only a great place to learn French in November or December but also the perfect spot to enjoy all the wonders of a typical French Christmas market. With original gift ideas from local woodcrafts to regional specialities such as foie gras, cheese and saucisson, browsing the stalls in the afternoons after your French lessons is a must! Flights to Toulouse with EasyJet start from just £21 return, and our French courses with accommodation in Toulouse are from £690 per week.


2. Valencia, Spain: Spanish in the City

As a beach city Valencia has it all. Very much like Barcelona, except smaller and cheaper, the food, culture, museums and architecture will have you hooked from the start. It is still warm enough in November to visit the beaches, and even take a dip in the sea! And with flights starting at £50 return with Easyjet, what are you waiting for? Spanish courses in Valencia with accommodation start from as little as £365 per week.


3. Jaco Beach, Costa Rica: Spanish and Surfing at its Best

Located just 1.5 hours from Costa Rica’s capital city and main international airport, Jaco beach is a fun town with great eating options set among the backdrop of jungle and rolling green hills. Jaco offers a whole feast of activities from zipline canopy tours to catamaran cruises and deep sea fishing. But the activity of choice for many of our Spanish language learners is surfing with our Spanish and surfing courses in Costa Rica including accommodation starting at just £535 per week, and flights to San Jose from as little as £525 return.

jaco beach

4. Martinique, The Caribbean: French and Diving

Martinique is not only one of the most exotic places to learn French, it’s also one of the top destinations in the Caribbean to dive! Combine the two in this paradise destination and get everything you are looking for from a language holiday. Our French and Diving Courses in Martinique, including accommodation are just £920 per week.


5. Bocas Del Toro, Panama: A Tropical Spanish Language Escape

The beautiful archipelago of Bocas del Toro is a fantasy in biodiversity. A tropical wonderland, Bocas del Toro is located on the Caribbean Ocean and offers a mix of Western Caribbean, indigenous and Latino vibes, with some of the best diving, snorkelling and surfing you can find in this part of the world. Learn Spanish here and also combine your classes with some spectacular diving, from £682 per week including accommodation. Spanish and diving in Panama.

bocas del toro

6. Playa Del Carmen, Mexico: Christmas in Spanish

One of only two schools that is open throughout Christmas week, celebrating in Playa del Carmen will bring you all the authentic joy and festivities of a true Mexican Christmas. Playa del Carmen is situated on the Yucatán Peninsula’s Riviera Maya strip of Caribbean shoreline, in the state of Quintana Roo. With a palm-lined beach, numerous restaurants and impressive nightlife you can enjoy all of this plus 20 hours of Spanish classes and 3 Christmas activities in Playa del Carmen for just £240 per week. (dates 24/12/18 and 31/12/18)

playa del carmen

7. Havana, Cuba: At Home with the Cubans

Cuba is a bucket list destination for so many, so why not enjoy its salsa, mojitos, beautiful music and art culture at Christmas time? Understand how Cubans celebrate Christmas and New Year by celebrating in the home of a local, and experience this time of year from their perspective. Two weeks over Christmas including accommodation, Spanish classes and meals is £1087.



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Cactus language offers the following types of language courses:

Evening language courses: 19 different languages in 15 UK locations
Language holidays: worldwide immersion courses in the country of the language
Private tuition: tailor-made and corporate language training solutions throughout the world
TEFL: teacher training courses for both English and other languages all over the world
Online courses: for teacher training, English and French

Top 5 Places to Learn French

Top 5 Places to Learn French

Top 5 Places to Learn French Across the World

How should you choose where to learn French? With so many French speaking countries to choose from, so many interesting cities and fantastic beaches it is difficult to know where to take your French language holiday. With our top 5 places to learn French you can take your pick from our favourite options!

France is an obvious destination as the birthplace and home of French but there are many more exotic and intriguing locations, from the Indian Ocean to the Caribbean, where you can immerse yourself in the francophone culture!

1. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean – An Undiscovered Secret

top 5 places to learn French

Reunion Island or ‘La Réunion’ is one of the most unusual places to learn French in the world. This small island in the Indian Ocean provides an exotic backdrop to your French language learning experience.

From paradisaical beaches and majestic landscapes to stunning towns and tropical forests every day is a new adventure, all whilst immersing yourself in the French-speaking culture. There is no doubt that Reunion Island takes the first spot on our top 5 places to learn French!

French courses in Reunion Island from €385

2. Lyon, France – A Gastronomic Experience

top 5 places to learn French, French Courses Alpadia Lyon

Lyon is the perfect place to learn french if you want to combine your learning experience with a culinary experience to delight your taste buds!

Situated at the confluence confluence of the Rhône and the Saône rivers, Lyon is also renowed for it’s fantastic local cuisine, extensive eating options, and wide range of dining experiences! You will be able to learn French and have a taste of the “joie de vivre”!

French courses in Lyon from €225

3. Martinique, The Caribbean – A Beach Paradise

top 5 places to learn French, French Courses Martinique

French is spoken all over the world so why not take a French language course in The French Caribbean, because, now you can. The paradise island of Martinique is 70km long and 30km wide.

Martinique is also known as the ‘Island of Flowers’, the turquoise waters that can be found on all sides and the abundance of coconut trees should not distract you from the colourful tradition dresses (madras), the sensual dancing and the delicious French’s Creole food.

French courses in Martinique from €300

4. Biarritz, France – The Pearl of the Basque Coast

top 5 places to learn French, French Courses Biarritz

Biarritz started to draw attention and experienced its own ‘golden age’ in the mid-19th century when Napoleon III made it his regular holiday spot. The city still retains much of the glamour and sophistication from this period and exudes an air of self-importance.

Its rocky coastline offers some of Europe’s best surfing and attracts hoards of surfers every year. The two exist in perfect harmony and provide a unique atmosphere in a beautiful location.

French courses in Biarritz from €300

5. Montpellier, France – A Multicultural Hive

French Courses Montpellier

The capital of the Languedoc-Roussillon region Montpellier is a lesser known excellent alternative to Marseille and Nice. It is equally as stylish, elegant and graceful as its more populated counterparts and benefits from Northern African influence to make it one of southern France’s most multicultural cities.

Montpellier’s student population dates back to the 13th century when its university was established. The student population now makes up over a third of the population and keeps this old city young in many ways. No top 5 places to learn French would be complete without giving Montpellier a spot.

French courses in Montpellier from €230


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Cactus language offers the following types of language courses:

Evening language courses: 19 different languages in 15 UK locations
Language holidays: worldwide immersion courses in the country of the language
Private tuition: tailor-made and corporate language training solutions throughout the world
TEFL: teacher training courses for both English and other languages all over the world
Online courses: for teacher training, English and French

Les Meilleures Villes pour Apprendre L’Anglais au Royaume-Uni

English Courses UK London

Les Meilleures Villes pour Apprendre L’Anglais au Royaume-Uni

Cherchez-vous à suivre un cours d’anglais pour améliorer votre expression orale ? Où vous pourriez apprendre l’anglais en cours et appliquer ces compétences dans des situations réelles, tout en explorant une ville dynamique et tirer le meilleur parti de votre investissement ?

En tant que langue la plus parlée dans le monde et langue officielle dans plus de 50 pays, parler anglais est un outil indispensable pour communiquer avec des gens provenant des quatre coins de la planète. Dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé, parler couramment l’anglais ouvre des opportunités d’emploi dans de nombreux pays et marchés.

Le Royaume-Uni est le lieu de naissance de la langue anglaise, et donc la destination idéale pour un séjour linguistique ! Voici donc une sélection de nos meilleurs cours que vous pouvez suivre dans les meilleures villes pour apprendre l’anglais et s’immerger dans la culture britannique.

1. Édimbourg – Ville de Littérature

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

En plus d’être la capitale de l’Écosse, Edimbourg est aussi un important centre culturel et historique du pays, la ville est aussi la deuxième destination touristique la plus populaire au Royaume-Uni. La ville est connue comme un centre d’éducation avec une vie culturelle renommée et une population étudiante importante.

Située dans la « New Town » d’Édimbourg, l’école est idéalement localisée dans le centre de la ville pour offrir des événements sociaux et culturels aux étudiants, y compris des excursions touristiques gratuites. Ce centre de langues propose un large éventail de cours tels que l’anglais général, des cours de préparation aux examens IELTS ou FCE, ainsi que des cours d’anglais des affaires.

Cours d’anglais à Edimbourg à partir de £135

2. Nottingham – La terre de Robin Hood

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Surnommée la « Reine des Midlands », Nottingham est l’une des villes universitaires les plus populaires de Grande-Bretagne. Vibrante, cosmopolite, elle vous offrira les avantages habituels des grandes villes à un prix abordable, tout en offrant l’opportunité d’explorer la légendaire Forêt de Sherwood.

Cette école a une gamme étendue de cours d’anglais pour les étudiants de tous les niveaux et est aussi un centre d’examen Cambridge ESOL. Les étudiants bénéficieront du soutien du personnel hautement qualifié et des enseignants à l’écoute, ainsi que d’infrastructures modernes équipée d’un logiciel de langue dernier cri et d’une bibliothèque bien fournie.

Cours d’anglais à Nottingham à partir de £140

3. Glasgow – Une terre des Parcs et des Lacs

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Glasgow est la plus grande ville d’Ecosse et est connue pour la nature particulièrement chaleureuse de ses habitants. Accueillant des étudiants du monde entier et regroupant quatre grandes universités, la ville est animée et moderne avec une vie nocturne dynamique et une scène culturelle grandissante.

L’école organise souvent des visites de musées locaux, de galeries d’art et propose des visites régulières de Glasgow et de ses environs. À l’école, vous pouvez également prendre part à des clubs de conversation pour vous aider à améliorer vos compétences orales dans une atmosphère encourageante et ouverte d’esprit.

Cours d’anglais à Glasgow à partir de £120

4. Liverpool – Lieu de Naissance des Beatles

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

En tant que ville d’origine des Beatles et abritant le deuxième plus grand nombre de musées et de galeries du pays, Liverpool est véritablement l’une des meilleures villes du Royaume-Uni pour les arts et la culture. Traversée par le fleuve Mersey, la partie historique du port et ses docks quais été déclarés site du patrimoine mondial en 2004.

Le personnel de l’école et les professeurs d’anglais maintiennent un environnement amical et bienveillant où les élèves peuvent atteindre leurs objectifs d’apprentissage avec succès. Les leçons sont interactives et dynamiques grâce à la technologie de pointe utilisée par l’école.

Cours d’anglais à Liverpool à partir de £185

5. Londres – Probablement Capitale du Monde

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Londres est l’une des destinations les plus populaires pour apprendre l’anglais. Une ville unique et cosmopolite où vous n’avez que l’embarras du choix. Profitez de cette opportunité pour apprendre l’anglais dans certains des quartiers les plus typiques de Londres, tel que Fulham et ses parcs verdoyants de l’ouest de Londres ou Islington, quartier animé et confortable dans le centre de la ville.


Islington est l’un des quartiers les plus animés de Londres avec son ambiance éclectique et ses nombreuses boutiques, cafés, restaurants, cinémas et salles de concert.

Cette école offre un large éventail de cours d’anglais tels que l’anglais général, l’anglais des affaires, un cours de perfection d’accent ou des cours de préparation aux examens. Cette école est une excellente option si vous cherchez à apprendre l’anglais au Royaume-Uni.

Cours d’anglais à Islington à partir de £30


Niché entre Chelsea, Kensington et la Tamise, Fulham est l’un des quartiers les plus exclusifs de Londres avec ses rues bordées d’arbres, ses magnifiques parcs et ses charmantes boutiques.

Cette école offre une large gamme de cours pour vous aider à améliorer vos compétences en anglais, qui se concentrent sur tous les aspects de la langue tels que la prononciation, le vocabulaire et la grammaire. Cette école a une longue expérience dans l’accueil des étudiants étrangers, aidant des milliers d’étudiants depuis 1990 à devenir plus confiants dans leur utilisation de la langue.

Cours d’anglais à Fulham à partir de £75

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Cactus language offers the following types of language courses:

Evening language courses: 19 different languages in 10 UK locations
Language holidays: worldwide immersion courses in the country of the language
Private tuition: tailor-made and corporate language training solutions throughout the world
TEFL: teacher training courses for both English and other languages all over the world
Online courses: for teacher training, English and French

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK – Where to Study English in the UK?

Are you looking to take an English course to improve your speaking skills? Where you can learn English in the classroom and practice in real-life situations? Where you can explore a vibrant city and make the most of your investment? With our Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK you can study at the best prices!

As the most commonly spoken language in the world and the official language in over 50 countries, speaking English is an invaluable tool to communicate with people around the planet. In an increasingly globalised world, knowing English opens up job and employment opportunities in many countries and markets.

The UK is the birthplace and home of English, and therefore the best destination to learn English and immerse yourself in British culture! So, if you are looking to take an English language course in the UK, here are some of our best value courses!


1. Edinburgh

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

As well as being the capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh is also a major cultural and historical hub which has now become the second most popular tourist destination in the UK. The city is known as a centre of education with a renowned cultural life and a large student population.

Based in the “New Town” of Edinburgh, the school is ideally located in the centre of the city to offer social and cultural events to students, including free local sightseeing trips. This language centre offers a wide range of courses such as General English, exam preparation courses for IELTS or FCE, as well as Business English courses.

English Courses in Edinburgh from £135 per week


2. Nottingham

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Nicknamed the “Queen of the Midlands”, Nottingham is one of Britain’s most popular university cities. Vibrant, cosmopolitan, it will give you the usual benefits of urban living at an affordable price, whilst offering the opportunity to explore the legendary Sherwood Forest.

This school has an extensive range of English courses for students of all levels and it is also a Cambridge ESOL examination centre. Students will have the support of the highly qualified staff and teachers as well as a modern IT suite equipped with up-to-date language software and a well stocked library.

English Courses in Nottingham from £140 per week


3. Glasgow

Study English in Glasgow

Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city and is known for the friendly nature of its people. Welcoming students from all over the world and home to four major universities, it is lively and modern with a vibrant nightlife and growing cultural scene.

The school often organises visits to local museums, art galleries and provides tours of Glasgow and its surroundings on a regular basis. At the school, you can also take part in conversation clubs to help you improve your speaking skills in a supportive and warm atmosphere.

English Courses in Glasgow from £120 per week


4. Liverpool

Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK

Birthplace of the Beatles and home to the 2nd largest number of museums and galleries in the country, Liverpool is truly one of the best cities in the UK for the arts and culture. Sitting on the River Mersey, its historic waterfront and docks were declared a World Heritage Site in 2004.

The school’s staff and native speaking English teachers maintain a friendly and caring environment where students can successfully achieve their learning objectives. Lessons are interactive and dynamic by making full use of the  state-of-the-art technology at the school.

English Courses in Liverpool from £185 per week


5. London

Study English in London

One of the most popular destinations to learn English is London. A unique and cosmopolitan city where you are spoiled for choice. Take this opportunity to learn English in some of the most typical London neighbourhoods from Fulham in the green parks area of West London to the lively and cosy Islington in Central London.


Islington is one of the most lively areas of London! It’s eclectic and has plenty of nice shops, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and music venues.

This school offers a wide range of English courses. From General English to Business English or Exam Preparation courses. This school is another great option if you’re looking to learn English in the UK. English Courses in Islington from £30 per week


Nestled between Chelsea, Kensington and River Thames, Fulham is one of the most exclusive areas of London! Fulham has tree lined streets, beautiful parks and charming boutiques.

This school offers a wide range of courses to help you improve your English skills. Classes focus on all aspects of the language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. This school has a long experience in welcoming foreign students and supporting them in becoming more confident in their use of the language. English Courses in Fulham from £75 per week


How to Book an English Course To Learn English in the UK?

Please check our How to Book page for more information on the simple secure and easy online booking process. Check the location links to find more information on the Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK.

For information on any of our Top 5 Places to Learn English in the UK, please call us on +44 (0) 1273 830 960 or contact us. Our multilingual team will be happy to answer any question you may have.




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Cactus language offers the following types of language courses:

Evening language courses: 19 different languages in 10 UK locations
Language holidays: worldwide immersion courses in the country of the language
Private tuition: tailor-made and corporate language training solutions throughout the world
TEFL: teacher training courses for both English and other languages all over the world
Online courses: for teacher training, English and French

Montpellier: An Enchanteur French Language Holiday

French Language Holiday in Montpellier

A Memorable French Language Holiday in Montpellier

From its medieval old quarter to its contemporary architecture and art scene, Montpellier is a charming and dynamic city that is usually among the top places to live in France, according to the French population. Close to the south coast of the country, Montpellier has a typical Mediterranean climate and is one of the most cultured and accepting cities in France. If you wish to savour the best French cuisine while also discovering a perfect mix of lively squares, elegant boutiques and arts festivals, Montpellier is the place to do a French language holiday.

Lewis, our Evening Language Courses Manager at Cactus, took a week long French language course with Accent Français in Montpellier last summer. Here, he shares his French language holiday experience in Montpellier. He also offers a few reasons why you might want to take a French language course in Montpellier too!


Why did you decide to do a French language holiday in Montpellier?

I had previously visited Paris many times and wanted to visit the South of France because it was more appealing as a holiday destination for the summer and much less busy. I have a strong interest in French culture and wanted to improve my French so visiting a new place in France interested me greatly.

French Language Holiday in Montpellier


What did you do during your French language course in Montpellier?

On the first day of the course a tutor assessed my language ability and then I joined an intermediate group. There were students from Bulgaria, Mexico, Japan, and Puerto Rico and with French as our only common language it encouraged me to interact in French from the start.

Each day I took lessons in the morning from 9 – 12, with the time split between 2 teachers and a short break in between. The teachers for my class were both native to Montpellier and were very supportive, encouraging all of the class to contribute to the lesson.

The teaching focused on different aspects of the language. For example a lesson that focused heavily on grammar was then followed by a lesson which involved a lot of speaking and listening activities, so the course did not feel too intense.

Aside from language tuition, the school arranges several activities each day. We were offered walking tours, film screenings, excursions to nearby towns, and food tastings in Montpellier restaurants. The walking tour was free and is a great introduction for the first day in Montpellier as it gave me the opportunity to learn about the city and practice my French listening and speaking skills.

French Language Holiday in Montpellier


What do you think about Montpellier now?

Montpellier is a great city for any tourist. As well as being near the Mediterranean coast (the beach is a short drive from the centre and can be reached by bus or tram) there is a lot to visit including Musée Fabre – a large art museum –, nice botanical gardens and the historic old town with small streets lined with cafes and shops. I really enjoyed the relaxed pace of life in this town and it is an ideal destination to learn French because people are very welcoming.


How would you rate your learning experience during your course?

During my stay in Montpellier I was able to meet several people, both inside and outside of the school, and converse confidently in French at an intermediate level. I also gained confidence when ordering food and drinks, or asking for directions. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in learning French and taking a holiday, the teaching and location were both excellent.


Are you looking to go do a French language holiday in Montpellier? Would you like to go explore the south of France? Do you think about sending your child or teen to a French language camp? Cactus offers a variety of great French language courses for adults and French language camps for juniors, for those looking to start an immersive language experience.

Doing a French language holiday in Montpellier with Cactus is just the beginning! Going away soon? These Basic French Phrases will help you on your way and you can also Download our FREE French Language Kit.

Free French Language Kit


How to Book a French Course in Montpellier?

Please check our How to Book page for more information on the simple secure and easy online booking process. Check the destination page to find more information about a French language holiday in Montpellier.

For information on any of our French courses in Montpellier, please call us on +44 (0) 1273 830 960 or contact us. Our multilingual team will be happy to answer any question you may have.

Book Now


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Cactus language offers the following types of language courses:

Evening language courses: 19 different languages in 10 UK locations
Language holidays: worldwide immersion courses in the country of the language
Private tuition: tailor-made and corporate language training solutions throughout the world
TEFL: teacher training courses for both English and other languages all over the world
Online courses: for teacher training, English and French